Ban - Glyphosate 
There are alternatives
Glyphosate has been classified as a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Their mission is: "Cancer research for cancer prevention."
  Details are here.
Information, articles, research, and links toward understanding the risks in using
glyphosate and discovering alternatives for Belize and the rest of the world

Glyphosate Implicated in Bee Die-offs
Dying of Cancer, Man is awarded $289,000,000 in Damages from Monsanto.
French Safety Agency discovers 60 chemicals including glyphosate in baby diapers

Book Reccos:

Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and Environment,

Poison Foods of N. America: Guide to navigating the glyphosate mine field in our food web

Glyphosate Facts
  • BELIZE CAN BE THE MOUSE THAT ROARS. Click here to view PDF of Dr. Seneff's presentations to Pesticide Control Board, Farmers and Public in Belize, April 2017
  • Watch the video of Dr. Seneff's Belize presentation here.
  • PowerPoint Presentation Organic Agriculture Can Feed the WorldB
Dr Seneff
Dr. Stephanie Seneff, MIT Senior Research Scientist and world renowned expert on how glyphosate is linked to increasing health issues.

On April 6th 2017, Dr. Stephanie Seneff testified to the Belize Pesticide Control Board, and later gave special presentations to farmers and the public.  Dr. Seneff provided strong evidence of glyphosate's damaging effects on our health and the soil.  She also emphasized the threat to the long term survivability of the exotic species that attract so many visitors to Belize. See links to her presentations in box above photo.

Over 1000 Signed Petition to Ban Glyphosate

Sign Petition for Safe Food

Health Effects Links
(The World's Most Controversial Weed killer) is used to dry out crops just before harvest. This is called desiccation or pre-harvest spraying. It is one of the main reasons for glyphosate ending up in the food you eat.  Pre-harvest spraying is used on oats, wheat, barley and many pulses on both conventional and GMO crops



Monsanto Tribunal Links

Belize organizations working toward a cleaner/greener/sustainable Belize


The intrinsic hazards of glyphosate and their use in tolerant transgenic crops are unacceptable if we want to achieve a sustainable food system, so we need a global phase out and a shift in policies promoting instead agroecological alternatives for weed control and crop rotation in diversified crop systems. Fernando Bejarano, PAN Mexico (RAPAM)


Book Recco: Poison Foods of N. America: Guide to navigating the glyphosate mine field in our food web